
Ultrasound Leak Detection

By March 11, 2025 No Comments

According to the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the Acoustical Society of America (ASA), ultrasound is defined as “sound with a frequency greater than 20 kHz” (kilohertz).

According to a report by MarketsandMarkets, the global market for Ultrasound Leak Detection is projected to grow from USD 170 million in 2020 to USD 261 million by 2025, at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8.9%. The Asia Pacific region is expected to be the fastest-growing market for ultrasound leak detection.

The Bangladesh Energy Regulatory Commission (BERC) has introduced regulations and standards to promote the use of energy-efficient technologies, which has encouraged the adoption of ultrasound leak detection in various industries.

ICONIC Engineering is a company that is working on Ultrasound Technology from the very beginning in Bangladesh including the TextileChemicalPharmaceutical, and Power sectors. The textile industry is the largest user of ultrasound leak detection in Bangladesh, where ICONIC Engineering plays a major contributor to the country’s economy by detecting Ultrasound Leaks.


Definition of leak detection:

Leak detection is a critical process that helps identify and locate leaks in various systems and components, such as pipes, valves, tanks, and vessels. Leaks can lead to significant problems, including property damage, environmental pollution, safety hazards, and financial losses. Therefore, detecting and repairing leaks promptly can prevent these issues and ensure the safe and efficient operation of the affected systems and equipment.

For example, in industrial settings, leaks in compressed air, gas, or steam systems can result in energy waste, reduced productivity, and increased operating costs. In commercial buildings, leaks in HVAC or plumbing systems can cause water damage, mold growth, and health hazards for occupants. Additionally, leaks in pipelines carrying hazardous materials, such as oil, gas, or chemicals, can pose serious risks to the environment and public health.

Traditional leak detection methods:

Traditional leak detection methods typically involve visual inspections, pressure tests, or tracer gas methods.

Visual inspections involve physically inspecting the components and systems for signs of leaks, such as visible stains or dampness. This method is generally suitable for identifying larger leaks but may not be effective for detecting smaller leaks.

Pressure tests involve pressurizing the system and monitoring the pressure for drops or changes that indicate the presence of a leak. This method is more sensitive than visual inspections but may not be able to detect leaks that occur intermittently.

Tracer gas methods involve introducing a gas into the system and using a detector to locate where the gas is escaping. This method is useful for detecting small leaks and locating the source of the leak precisely. However, it can be time-consuming and expensive.

Overall, traditional leak detection methods can be useful but may have limitations in terms of sensitivity, accuracy, and speed. Therefore, new technologies, such as ultrasound leak detection, have emerged to offer more effective and efficient leak detection solutions.

What is Ultrasound Leak detection?

Definition and explanation of how it works:

Ultrasound leak detection is a non-invasive technology that uses high-frequency sound waves to detect the presence and location of leaks in various systems and equipment. This method works on the principle that pressurized fluids, gases, or vacuum systems generate ultrasound waves when they escape through a small opening, crack, or hole.

Ultrasound leak detectors use specialized microphones or transducers to pick up these high-frequency sound waves, According to the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the Acoustical Society of America (ASA), ultrasound is defined as “sound with a frequency greater than 20 kHz” (kilohertz). The detector converts the ultrasound waves into an audible signal that an operator can hear through headphones or a speaker. The detector may also display the intensity of the signal on a meter or screen.

The operator can use the ultrasound leak detector to scan the surface of the system or equipment for leaks, moving the detector slowly and methodically to cover all areas of interest. When the detector detects a leak, the sound in the headphones or speaker increases in volume and intensity. The operator can then mark the location of the leak and proceed with repairs or maintenance.

Ultrasound leak detection can be used to detect leaks in various systems and equipment, such as compressed air, gas, steam, vacuum, refrigeration, and hydraulic systems. This method is highly sensitive and can detect leaks as small as 0.005 CFM. Additionally, it is non-invasive, which means it does not require system shutdown or disassembly and can be performed during normal operation.

Ultrasound leak detectors use specialized microphones or transducers to pick up these high-frequency sound waves, According to the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the Acoustical Society of America (ASA), ultrasound is defined as “sound with a frequency greater than 20 kHz” (kilohertz). The detector converts the ultrasound waves into an audible signal that an operator can hear through headphones or a speaker. The detector may also display the intensity of the signal on a meter or screen.

The operator can use the ultrasound leak detector to scan the surface of the system or equipment for leaks, moving the detector slowly and methodically to cover all areas of interest. When the detector detects a leak, the sound in the headphones or speaker increases in volume and intensity. The operator can then mark the location of the leak and proceed with repairs or maintenance.

Ultrasound leak detection can be used to detect leaks in various systems and equipment, such as compressed air, gas, steam, vacuum, refrigeration, and hydraulic systems. This method is highly sensitive and can detect leaks as small as 0.005 CFM. Additionally, it is non-invasive, which means it does not require system shutdown or disassembly and can be performed during normal operation.

Advantages of Ultrasound Leak Detection by using Devices from ICONIC Engineering:

Ultrasound leak detection offers several advantages over traditional leak detection methods, including

High sensitivity:
Using the Equipment’s form Iconic Engineering offering Ultrasound leak detection can detect leaks as small as 0.005 CFM, making it a highly sensitive method for leak detection.

Ultrasound leak detection is a non-invasive method that does not require system shutdown or disassembly. Highly accurate devices from ICONIC Engineering can be performed during normal operation, reducing downtime and maintenance costs.

Fast and efficient:
By using devices from ICONIC Engineering, Ultrasound leak detection become a fast and efficient method that can detect leaks quickly and accurately. This allows for prompt repairs, reducing the risk of damage or safety hazards.

Wide range of applications:
Ultrasound leak detection can be used to detect leaks in various systems and equipment, including compressed air, gas, steam, vacuum, refrigeration, and hydraulic systems. ICONIC Engineering offers a range of 02 kHz to 100 KHz and a distance of 1.6 feet to 393 feet.

Ultrasound leak detection is a cost-effective method for leak detection, as it can help identify and repair leaks quickly, reducing energy waste, operational costs, and environmental impact. ICONIC Engineering with its precious device can find the diameter & the property of the leak and can also calculate the value we’re wasting from our resources.

Ultrasound leak detection is a safe method that does not involve any hazardous materials or procedures. It can be performed by trained personnel from ICONIC Engineering with specialized equipment or protective gear. 

How ICONIC Engineering plays the role in terms of leak detection:
In terms of Ultrasound Leak Detection, ICONIC Engineering can play several roles, including:

ICONIC Engineering can provide consulting services to clients who are interested in implementing Ultrasound Leak Detection in their facilities or systems. This may include assessing the feasibility and benefits of using Ultrasound Leak Detection, identifying the appropriate equipment and procedures, and providing guidance on compliance with relevant regulations and standards.

ICONIC Engineering can provide training to clients on the proper use of Ultrasound Leak Detection equipment and techniques, as well as on the interpretation of results. This can help ensure that clients can use Ultrasound Leak Detection effectively and efficiently, and can make informed decisions based on the results obtained.

ICONIC Engineering can help clients implement Ultrasound Leak Detection in their facilities or systems by providing equipment, personnel, and expertise. This may include performing Ultrasound Leak Detection inspections and surveys, analyzing the results, and providing recommendations for repairs or maintenance.

ICONIC Engineering can also provide maintenance services for Ultrasound Leak Detection equipment, including calibration and repair. This can help ensure that the equipment remains in good working condition and provides accurate and reliable results over time.

ICONIC Engineering can prepare comprehensive reports on the results of Ultrasound Leak Detection inspections and surveys, including recommendations for repairs and maintenance. These reports can help clients make informed decisions about their facilities and systems and prioritize repairs or upgrades based on the severity of leaks and associated risks.

Applications Areas of Ultrasound Leak detection offered by ICONIC Engineering:

Industrial applications (e.g. compressed air leaks, steam leaks, gas leaks)
Commercial applications (e.g. HVAC leaks, water leaks)

The features ICONIC Engineering offers to detect Ultrasound Leak:

Equipment needed

Ultrasound leak detection typically requires the use of specialized equipment designed to detect high-frequency sound waves that are beyond the range of human hearing. The following are some examples of equipment that can be used to find ultrasound leaks:

Ultrasound detectors:
ICONIC Engineering has a handheld or portable device that can detect Ultrasound in the range of 02 KHz to 52 KHz, from a distance of 1.6 to 393 feet.

Converting Ultrasound to Audible Noise:
The ICONIC Engineering device can convert Ultrasound to audible noise that can be heard using a headphone offered with the device.

Large Screen:
Previously, Ultrasound can only be heard, but with the latest Technology from ICONIC Engineering, the leaks are visible to us with a Super Resolution screen of 1280 X 800 Pixels.

Airborne sensors:
These are sensors that are mounted on a drone or other airborne vehicle and used to detect ultrasound leaks from a distance. ICONIC Engineering has devices accord with 64 MEMS Sensors that work with the minimum tilt.

Ultrasonic cameras:
The cameras from ICONIC Engineering are equipped with ultrasound sensors and can be used to detect leaks in pipes or vessels by visualizing the sound waves. They are often used in the oil and gas industry, chemical plants, and other industrial settings.

Leak detection kits:
These are kits that ICONIC Engineering includes a variety of tools and equipment, such as ultrasonic detectors, and headphones, that can be used to locate leaks in various applications.

Steps ICONIC Engineering assuring for effective leak detection:

Plan the inspection:
ICONIC Engineering identifies the system or equipment that needs to be inspected, the location and type of potential leaks, and the best time to conduct the inspection. ICONIC Engineering prepares any necessary safety precautions and coordinates with personnel to ensure minimal disruption to operations.

Conduct a thorough visual inspection:
Before using ultrasound detection equipment, ICONIC Engineering conducts a visual inspection of the system to identify any visible signs of leaks, such as wet spots, discoloration, or damaged components. This can help ICONIC Engineering to narrow down the search area and ensure that the ultrasound equipment is focused on the most likely sources of leaks.

Use appropriate ultrasound equipment:
ICONIC Engineering chooses the appropriate ultrasound detection equipment for the application. This may include handheld or portable detectors, airborne sensors, or ultrasonic cameras.

Calibrate the equipment:
ICONIC Engineering ensures that the equipment is calibrated correctly before use, according to the manufacturer’s instructions, as they have the highly accurate Calibration Lab Facility in Bangladesh accredited by NABL.

Scan the system:
ICONIC Engineering scans the system or equipment systematically, moving the ultrasound detector over the surface of the equipment slowly and methodically, focusing on areas that are most likely to experience leaks.

Listen for signals:
Specialists from ICONIC Engineering listen for signals or readings from the ultrasound detector that indicate the presence of a leak. ICONIC Engineering uses headphones or ear protection to reduce background noise and improve detection sensitivity.

Confirm leaks:
Once a potential leak is detected, ICONIC Engineering confirms it using other methods, such as visual inspections, and pressure tests.

Record and report findings:
ICONIC Engineering with its precious device records all findings and reports them to the appropriate personnel. They Prioritize leaks based on severity and potential impact on operations.

Repair leaks:
Once leaks are confirmed, ICONIC Engineering takes appropriate steps to repair them as soon as possible to minimize the impact on operations and prevent further damage.

Standards for Ultrasound Leak detection:

ASTM E1002:
Standard Test Method for Leaks Using Ultrasonic 
This standard provides a procedure for detecting and locating leaks in various types of systems and components using ultrasonic detection techniques.

ISO 22096:
Non-destructive testing – Leak testing – Tracer gas method 
This standard specifies the tracer gas leak detection method using a tracer gas mixture consisting of 5% hydrogen and 95% nitrogen for the detection of leaks in materials and components.

ISO 18436-8:
This is a standard that specifies the requirements for the certification of personnel who perform ultrasound testing and diagnosis. It covers the knowledge and skills required for ultrasound leak detection and other applications.

ANSI/AGMA 1010-E95:
The appearance of Gear Teeth – Terminology of Wear and Failure. 
This standard provides definitions and terminology for the appearance of gear teeth, including surface damage that can lead to leaks, and suggests the use of ultrasonic testing to detect such damage.

API 570:
Piping Inspection Code: In-Service Inspection, Rating, Repair, and Alteration of Piping Systems. 
This standard guides the inspection and testing of piping systems, including the use of ultrasonic testing to detect leaks and other defects.

ASNT Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-1A :
Personnel Qualification and Certification in Nondestructive Testing. 
This standard provides guidelines for the qualification and certification of personnel performing ultrasonic testing, including leak detection.

What are the Limitations that ICONIC Engineering overcomes form?

Other companies in terms of Ultrasound Leak detection:

While ultrasound leak detection has many benefits, it also has some limitations, including:

Limited range:
Ultrasound waves have a limited range, and the effectiveness of ultrasound leak detection decreases as the distance between the detector and the leak increases. But ICONIC Engineering has added the device to cover the range of 2 KHz to 100 KHz and the distance of 1.6 to 393 feet, which is more than enough.

Difficulty detecting small leaks:
Ultrasound leak detection may not detect small leaks or leaks in hard-to-reach areas. But ICONIC Engineering can find a 0.005 CFM diameter leak which is more precious than any other company in Bangladesh.

Interference from background noise:
Ultrasound leak detection relies on detecting sound waves above the ambient noise level. Background noise from machinery or other sources can interfere with the accuracy of the results. But the device from ICONIC Engineering can remove other noise through a headphone.

Training requirements:
Ultrasound leak detection requires some level of training and expertise to be effective. Users must be able to interpret the signals accurately and identify the sources of leaks. Experts from ICONIC Engineering are trained by manufacturers of reputed origin.

Limited to air and gas leaks:
Ultrasound leak detection is limited to detecting leaks in air and gas systems. It may not be effective at detecting leaks in liquid systems. But the device from ICONIC Engineering can detect any gas or leaks including SF6 with their highly accurate devices.

Limited to certain types of leaks:
Ultrasound leak detection may not be effective at detecting all types of leaks, such as those caused by cracks or corrosion. But the device from ICONIC Engineering can detect any gas or leaks including SF6 with their highly accurate devices.

Maintenance requirements:
The ultrasound detectors and other equipment used in leak detection require regular maintenance and calibration to ensure accurate results. ICONIC Engineering maintains and Calibrates their devices on the periods and also they have a Highly furnished accuracy-based Calibration Lab in Bangladesh.


Ultrasound leak detection is a valuable and widely used technique for identifying and locating leaks in various applications and industries. But the device from ICONIC Engineering offers several benefits, including early detection, cost-effectiveness, non-invasiveness, versatility, safety, and environmental protection. However, it also has some limitations, such as limited range, difficulty in detecting small leaks, and interference from background noise, but there is no other company rather than ICONIC Engineering who have overcome this limitation in an appreciating way.

Overall, ultrasound leak detection is a valuable tool that can be used in conjunction with other inspection methods to ensure comprehensive leak detection and maintenance.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q: What is ultrasound leak detection?

A: Ultrasound leak detection is a non-destructive testing method that uses ultrasound technology to detect and locate leaks in industrial equipment or pipelines.

Q: How does ultrasound leak detection work?

A: Ultrasound leak detection works by using a specialized device that sends high-frequency sound waves through the equipment or pipeline being tested. When there is a leak, the sound waves will change frequency and create a unique noise that can be detected and analyzed.

Q: What are the benefits of ultrasound leak detection?

A: The benefits of ultrasound leak detection include its non-destructive nature, its ability to detect leaks in real time, and its accuracy in pinpointing the exact location of a leak.

Q: What equipment or pipelines can ultrasound leak detection be used on?

A: Ultrasound leak detection can be used on a variety of equipment and pipelines, including compressed air systems, refrigeration systems, steam systems, vacuum systems, and more.

Q: Who can perform ultrasound leak detection?

A: Ultrasound leak detection can be performed by trained professionals, such as maintenance technicians or reliability engineers, who have been certified in the use of ultrasound technology.

Q: What are the limitations of ultrasound leak detection?

A: The limitations of ultrasound leak detection include the need for access to the equipment or pipeline being tested, the need for proper training and certification, and the potential for false positives or negatives in certain situations.

Q: Is ultrasound leak detection safe?

A: Ultrasound leak detection is generally considered safe and non-invasive, as it does not involve the use of harmful chemicals or radiation. However, proper safety precautions should always be taken when using any type of equipment.

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