CT-PT Analysis

CT-PT Analysis

What is CT-PT Analysis?

CT-PT analysis, also known as Current Transformer - Potential Transformer analysis, refers to the examination and testing of current transformers (CTs) and potential transformers (PTs) in electrical power systems. CTs and PTs are crucial components used to measure and transform current and voltage levels in power systems for various purposes, including protection, metering, and control.

Here's a brief overview of CTs and PTs:

Current Transformers (CTs):

  1. CTs are devices used to step down high currents in power systems to levels suitable for measurement or protection devices.
  2. They provide a reduced current proportional to the current flowing through the power system, enabling accurate measurement and safe operation of instruments.

Potential Transformers (PTs):

  1. PTs, also known as voltage transformers, are devices used to step down high voltages to a level suitable for measurement or protection devices.
  2. They provide a reduced voltage proportional to the voltage in the power system, allowing for accurate voltage measurement and safe operation of instruments.

CT-PT Analysis typically involves the following activities:

Testing and Calibration:

  1. Checking the accuracy of CTs and PTs to ensure that they provide the correct ratio of transformation.
  2. The calibration of these devices is crucial to maintain the accuracy of the measurements they provide.

Verification of Wiring and Connections:

  1. Ensuring that the CTs and PTs are correctly wired and connected in the power system.
  2. Verifying the polarity and phase relationships to ensure proper coordination and operation.

Insulation Testing:

  1. Checking the insulation resistance of CTs and PTs to ensure that they are electrically sound and can withstand the operating voltages.

Burden Measurement:

  1. Determining the burden on CTs and PTs refers to the total load imposed by connected instruments and devices.

Saturation Testing:

  1. Evaluating the performance of CTs under different current levels to ensure they do not saturate and provide accurate measurements even during fault conditions.

Secondary Injection Testing:

  1. Simulating fault conditions by injecting test currents or voltages into the secondary circuits of CTs and PTs to verify their response and the overall protection system's functionality.

CT-PT analysis is crucial for maintaining the reliability and accuracy of power system measurements, ensuring proper functioning of protective relays, and preventing false trips or failures in the electrical system. Regular testing and analysis help identify potential issues and ensure that CTs and PTs operate within specified parameters.

Contact us today to learn more and schedule your CT/PT analysis service.

You can get any of the following:
📞 01977-426642
📧 info@iconic.com.bd
🌐 www.iconic.com.bd

Learn More: Contact Resistance Tester (CRT)